Insights in Veterinary Science | ISSN: 2576-9510


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  Copyright and Publishing Rights

All the articles published in the Insights in Veterinary Science is Open Access and the Copyright for the articles are retained by the authors. The Co

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There is a precept- "two heads result in more fruitful thing than one head alone". Insights in Veterinary Science unique concept of membership is base

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  Why with Us

Insights in Veterinary Science has a rich history and track-record of delivering simpler and updated access to the research needs in disciplines of he

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  Plagiarism Policy

Insights in Veterinary Science is committed to protect the reliability of the scholarly manuscript in all aspects of research and publishing ethics. W

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George Stoica

George Stoica

Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University, USA.

Hongyu Ma

Hongyu Ma

Professor, Department of Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University, China.

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